Our mission has always focused on supplying and distributing high-quality and reliable products, through using the latest manufacturing techniques, machinery and equipment. We seek to delight our customers by providing them with the most appropriate and cost-effective products that suit their needs. We are ISO 9001 - 2015 Certified Industry.

Our quality management procedures surpass industry requirements and incorporate stringent quality checks to meet the specific requirements of all our clients.

A commitment to quality and client satisfaction established over 17 years has culminated in the evolution of a best-practice quality assurance system in our plant.

Inward Inspection

All raw materials, accessories, allied products that are sourced/procured from our vendors towards our production efforts are subject to our unique data sampling model. This model ensures a 100% accuracy in our item-wise inspection. This ensures a streamline defect-free production system.

In-Process Inspection

GO and NO-GO gauges are used in our in-house machine shop for material inspection. These gauges are calibrated to the best standards with calibration certification from reputed laboratories. This ensures the dimensional accuracy of all our machined components. Smart and Intelligent quality control systems at all stages of production (including Winding, Motor, Pump and Final Inspection) ensures that product is checked at every stage. It cannot move from one stage to the next without meeting the acceptance criteria of the previous process stage. Special surge testers are used to inspect leakage current. Megger test, ohms, HV tests, etc assure defect free windings. Visual monitoring systems and proper data collection aids in continuous improvement and development.

Pump Division

2/79, Naduthottam,
Mylampatti, Coimbatore - 641 062,
Phone No: +91 9944938375, +91 9600674799,
+91 9944938371.

Foundry Division

105 D, Cosmafan Foundry Cluster Park,
Arasur, Coimabtore - 641 407,
Phone No: +91 9944938370, +91 8220579797.

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