At the heart of Flowra is to leave a positive impact on every stakeholder – our customers, our employees and our society. To this end, we contribute regularly to development efforts in the areas of

  • Contributing to Education in the form of scholarships to the underprivileged students, in-kind donations such as school uniforms, textbooks, etc for deserving children in our community is an annual activity all of us at Flowra look forward to.

  • We have supported various campaigns such as the cleanup of lakes and ponds, afforestation drives (plating of trees) in the Coimbatore region. Many of our staff take part in such activities and that truly connects Flowra to the community around us.

  • Disaster often strikes without any notice. From natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, drought, etc) to man-made disasters, Flowra remains ready and able to support the community in the time of need. From the recent floods in Chennai to the drought-like situation in delta regions in Tamil Nadu, we have contributed to various disaster relief efforts. We will continue to do so in the hope of meaningfully making our community and society a better place

Pump Division

2/79, Naduthottam,
Mylampatti, Coimbatore - 641 062,
Phone No: +91 9944938375, +91 9600674799,
+91 9944938371.

Foundry Division

105 D, Cosmafan Foundry Cluster Park,
Arasur, Coimabtore - 641 407,
Phone No: +91 9944938370, +91 8220579797.

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Design By Krithi